Nests in Gallery
The final Nests in the Healing Arts Gallery.

Music Therapy Intervention
Participants process their experience by writing a poem, lyrics, or journal during the Music Therapy intervention.

Music Therapy Intervention
Participants process their experience by writing a poem, lyrics, or journal during the Music Therapy intervention.

Participant Nest

Group Music Therapy Intervention
Music Therapist Dan Schteingart, LCAT led the Music Therapy intervention. While one person shared their writing, the other participants played instruments.

Participant Nests

Participants Working on Their Nests

Details of Material Wall

Participant Nest

Participant Nest

Plan for Install
Brittany Knapp’s drawing for the art installation

Install Team
Shamal Deare, Brittany Knapp, and Bruce Beese during installation.

Art Therapy Place Founder and Artist Brittany Knapp

Brittany Knapp Participating in Music Therapy
Participants process their experience by writing a poem, lyrics, or journal during the Music Therapy intervention.